The Naked Lady Party
Event Deets: April 12th, 2025 12:00-3:00PM @ The Way Home Studio: 8435 SE Stark St. Portland, OR 97216
Join The Wind Rose Collaborative for a fun afternoon honoring our beautiful Mother Earth! At this community event for female-identifying folks, Tara will first offer a talk exploring the spiritual interplay of minimalism and abundance, examining how our radical acceptance of the concept of “enough” can guide us into right relationship with ourselves and our planet. We will then hold space for rich dialogue and discussion, with the opportunity to share any thoughts, ideas, and questions we notice arising in us. After a short break, the Naked Lady Party will commence, and everyone gets to go home with some groovy new duds! Yummy snacks, drinks, and fellowship with other rad women are, of course, also included.
Umm… How Exactly Does a “Naked Lady Party” work?
Also known as a “clothing exchange”, “style swap”, etc., a Naked Lady Party is an opportunity for us to re-home perfectly good clothing that we no longer want or enjoy as part of our Earth Month commitment to Reduce, Reuse, and Resist. All attendees are invited to bring to the event any clothing/shoes/jewelry/accessories/etc. from home that they would like to give away. After the talk and group discussion, all the items participants have brought to exchange will be placed on the floor, and a free-flowing, body-positive, joyful game of “dress-up” will follow, where you can pick up any item you like to try on or just bring home. (If you prefer more modesty, there will also be a small sitting room with mirrors that can be used as a private dressing area.) At the end of the day, any/all leftover items will be donated to local women in need via SnowCap Community Charities.
Everyone benefits- your closet, your lady friends, your community, and your planet!
Registration for one to “The Naked Lady Party” on 4/12/2025, hosted by The Wind Rose Collaborative. This event is offered with community tiered pricing, so choose your level of contribution: $15.00 (Community Price, supported by your peers), $25.00 (Supporter Price, pays your own way), $35.00 (Sustainer Price, helps pays it forward). Registration is limited to 24 participants. Can’t wait to see you there!